15. Jan 2015.

Workshop: Results of the airborne acquisition of images

On 20th January a workshop was held on the premises of the Mine Action Centre of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the following topic: Mine Action after the Floods – Regional Synergy in Emergency Response, Technology Development and Capacity Building. The owner of the project is HCR-CTRO, and the project is funded by the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

The Workshop was attended by representatives of Mine Action Centres of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Regional Centre for Underwater Demining from Monte Negro, representatives of Civilian Protection agencies in BH as well as of international organizations in BH and representatives of HCR-CTRO, the project owner.

At the Workshop, the results of acquisition of images using the unmanned vehicles (UAV) owned by the Royal Military Academy from Brussels (RMA) and by Geoarheo company and the Gazela Helicopter of the Bosnian Armed Forces were demonstrated and a plan of field confirmation of the impact of landslides, torrents and floods on mine suspected locations was harmonized.

It was concluded that the goals of the project for the period from September 2014 to January 2015 were successfully met, and they primarily related to acquisition of images of the landslides where the torrents had destructive impact on suspected hazardous areas and minefields, as well as on some new areas which might pose a threat.

The results acquired from the areal images acquired from the RMA UAV were handed over from the HCR-CTRO team, that processed the data, to the research team of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo, which will soon start a field prospection in cooperation with BH MAC regional offices.