04. Jun 2018.

Visit to Colombia

On 31st may, the delegation held meetings with the vice president of the Republic, Mr. Oscar Naranjo, whose office is in charge of demining and is directly managing DAICMA.

The Vice President expressed his great interest in a broader cooperation with the Croatian mine action system, especially in rehabilitation of mine victims, education and training courses and he promised that a MoU between DAICMA and CROMAC will be signed soon. 

On the same day the delegation held a meeting with the Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs charged with multilateral affairs, Ms Adriana Mendoza. After the talks is was concluded that stronger cooperation is needed. 

Upon request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Croatian representatives met with the vice commander of DIRAN – Counter narcotics Directorate, who expressed great interest in collaboration in the field of humanitarian demining, especially in EOD 1-3+ training courses and in general airborne survey.