18. Apr 2018.

Visit of the Colombian Delegation

On 6th April, state secretary Zdravka Bušić and her associates, together with Mr. Željko Vukosav, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Croatia to Colombia, received Mr. Restrepo Gomez with his wife, in his role of a future Honorary Consul of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of Colombia. The meeting was attended by the President of the CROMAC Managing Board Mrs Đurđa Adlešič, her Deputy Mr Damir Trut, CROMAC Director Mr Zdravko Modrušan, HCR-CTRO Director Mrs. Nataša Mateša Mateković and HCR-CTRO Test facilities and PPE testing manager Mr Tomislav Vodnraček.

On 10th April, upon the opening of the 15th International Symposium “Mine Action 2018”, HCR-CTRO Director signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the President of the Board of RGComercial and the President of the Managing Board of FUNHDES, with the aim of strengthening co-operation between these two organizations and HCR-CTRO on all aspects of mine action. Croatia and Colombia have a joint interest in protecting the population of the two states from the risk and danger of explosive remnants of war, in conducting educational activities with the aim of reducing the number of victims and providing continuous assistance to the victims.

On 12th April, at the Croatian Chamber of Economy, Mr Ivan Barbarić, the Vice-president for international affairs and EU, received the Colombian delegation and HCR-CTRO representatives and presented possibilities of co-operation in trading goods and services in the field of mine action and wider.

The visit of the Colombian delegation concluded with the meeting with Mr Miro Kovač, President of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Croatian Parliament, where the joint will was expressed for establishment of closer relations of parliamentary co-operation with the aim of transferring the Croatian experiences and knowledge of mine action to the Columbian friends.