28. Oct 2015.

Validation of TIRAMISU tool – educational computer game on mine risks

s part of the Project TIRAMISU – Implementation of Tools for Removal of Mines, Submunitions and Unexploded Ordnance, financed by the European Commission within the FP7 Programme, on 22nd and 23rd October HCR-CTRO conducted validation of a computer game developed by the partners from the Institute of Mathematical Machines from Warsow, Poland.

The purpose of the game is to educate children on dangers of mines.
The validation was conducted in two elementary schools, in Dragutina Tadijanovića School in the town of Moscenica, which is situated close to suspected hazardous areas, and in Mladost School in the town of Lekenik, situated in the safe area.

The target group were the pupils in grades 5-8, and the aim was to establish usefulness and applicability of the game in mine risk education for the purpose of using it, with specific adjustments, all over the world.