18. Sept 2019.

Bee4Exp Project Field Trial

The whole Bee4Exp team were on-site from 9th to 13th September at Benkovac test site, for their end-of-summer field trial before the bees start to wind down their own activities.

The teams from Banja Luka and Zagreb tested the Active method over a few days by taking a large amount of high-definition video of foraging bees with their drones, and the Passive method was tested over the week by sampling colony air and placing preconcentrating material in the colony entrances to adsorb explosive materials from the returning bees.

The team were joined for a couple of days by the Ghostcat Medienproduktion TV crew, who are making a documentary for the German channel ZDF on the ways animals can help humans. As always when trialling, the team thought of new and interesting approaches while on-site, and are looking forward to returning to try these new experiments soon.