08. Sept 2023.

CTRO Delegation visited PCM's MAT Kosovo

From Monday 4th to Wednesday the 6th September, Mrs Katarina Markt, CTRO's Managing Director and Mrs Zeljka Krhac, CTRO's Foreign Affairs and Communications Advisor visited MAT Kosovo Training Centre.

The visit was to further progress cooperation between two institutions, common mutual interests and to look at future corporations in the region.  Ben Remfrey had visited Croatia earlier this year to meet with CTRO's MD and stated; 

For me to visit Croatia earlier this year, in May, and take part in the symposium hosted so excellently by CTRO and the Croatian Government, had many benefits, particularly as the focus of this May event was on Ukraine, something we are all very much involved with.  To host the CTRO visit in Kosovo and show this delegation of 'friends' our school, our facilities and our capacity and capability was a privilege.  For us it was a busy time running 3 courses side-by-side, training Ukrainians, Libyan's and also running an International IMAS EOD L2 course, I think demonstrated who and what we are and what we are capable of.  CTRO has for years been at the forefront of Testing and Evaluation of systems and technology.  A very high-level organization which we at PCM & MAT Kosovo are delighted to continue our cooperation with.  I very much look forward to my next visit to Croatia in October 2023.

Mrs. Markt expressed her satisfaction on that occasion and stated:

I find that this visit marks the beginning of fruitful cooperation between our two institutions. I am positive that our collaboration, especially in terms of the of exchanging the knowledge, training methods and best practices in the field of training new students will have the direct impact on reducing the risk of mines, cluster munitions and other explosive hazards in the mine contaminated countries.